TB Alliance Annual Report 2023: From Promise to Impact

2023 was really such a gratifying year because we now are seeing the beginning of an explosion of being able to actually see thousands and thousands of patients benefit from new treatments. And, when all is said and done, that's the goal.”

Mel Spigelman,
President and Chief Executive Officer

TB Alliance Annual Report 2023 Video

TB is one of the world’s oldest and deadliest diseases – infecting 10 million people worldwide and killing
1.3 million

people in 2022 alone.

The scope and intensity of the TB pandemic is in large part fueled by the lack of an effective, global commitment to fight TB. However, despite limited investments in TB, there has been significant progress in the battle to End TB.

TB Alliance is dedicated to improving treatment for TB, and in recent years, the team has worked diligently to also ensure that new treatments reach everyone who needs them. I’m proud to be part of an organization that is transforming the way we think about what’s possible for TB treatment and addressing challenges head on.”

David Norton,
New Chair of the TB Alliance Board of Directors

2023 Highlights


Since the approval of pretomanid and the BPaL regimen, TB Alliance and partners have continuously worked to optimize the regimen to provide the best possible treatment experience for the largest number of people.

Our vision for TB research and development prioritizes the pursuit of universal regimens—meaning that all people with all forms of TB can be treated with the same therapy.

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In 2023 we were funded by 14 organizations and partners from 9 countries.

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We are working with partners around the world to ensure the newest, most effective, and people-friendly TB treatments reach all who need them as quickly as possible, while also pursuing next-generation therapies to further improve the treatment experience and research process. Through our commitments to partnership, innovation, and equity, we can envision and realize a world free of TB.

Annual Report 2023