TB Market Access Research

Access to the latest treatment innovations is a human right.

We cannot afford to stop until our treatments are available to everyone who needs them. To date, new, six-month treatments for DR-TB have been procured to reach.




Signature Market Access Initiatives

PeerLINC Knowledge Hub

The PeerLINC Knowledge Hub follows a peer-to-peer model. It connects experts in countries who have rapidly adopted new TB treatments with other countries interested in adopting, so they can share…

Fast Track the Cure

Fast Track the Cure brings communities around the world together to raise awareness and facilitate access to new treatments for drug-resistant TB, while ramping up advocacy to tell world leaders…


 The LIFT-TB initiative seeks to save the lives and livelihoods of people with tuberculosis (TB), their families, and their communities by broadening and accelerating the adoption and scale up of…


Generate a customized cost effectiveness analysis for implementing six-month drug-resistant TB treatments The Model Various studies show that when used to treat drug-resistant TB (DR-TB) the BPaL regimen has the…

TB Market Research

The Global TB Market

Pathway to Patients: Charting the Dynamics of the Global TB Drug Market, was the first…