TB Alliance is governed by a Board of Directors, representing global perspectives and expertise in diverse areas of interest that ensure the success and sustainability of the organization.
Dr. Eric Goosby Professor of Medicine & Director of Global Health Delivery and Diplomacy
Dr. Srishti Gupta Former Lead of McKinsey Global Health Practice
Ms. Rasha Hibri Chief Financial Officer at the Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI)
Mr. Sundar Kodiyalam Co-founder, Vatera Healthcare Partners
Mr. David Norton Board Chair Retired, Former Company Group Chairman, Global Pharmaceuticals, Johnson & Johnson
Dr. Ariel Pablos-Méndez Vice Chair Professor of Medicine, Columbia University Medical Center
Ms. Kim Schwartz Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer at Population Services International
Dr. Melvin Spigelman President & Chief Executive Officer, TB Alliance
Dr. Ann Taylor Retired, Former Chief Medical Officer, AstraZeneca
Dr. Akshay Vaishnaw Former President of Alnylam Pharmaceuticals
Mr. Mitchell Warren President, TB Alliance Stakeholders Association Executive Director, AVAC
Ratan Watal Chairman, Central Vista Oversight Committee, Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs, India