World AIDS Day 2003TB-HIV: How Can We Stop the Twin Epidemic?

Media Call on December 1, 2003

November 30, 2003


For World AIDS Day (December 1, 2003), the Global Alliance for TB Drug Development and RESULTS hosted a press call addressing the number one health threat facing AIDS patients worldwide: tuberculosis. Leading experts from medicine, philanthropy, public health and drug development discussed a better course for reversing TB, the oldest airborne contagion, now teaming up with HIV/AIDS to sweep the globe.

TB is the number one killer of people infected with HIV worldwide.
In Africa alone, TB kills people infected with HIV/AIDS in just 5-6 weeks.
Treating TB in HIV+ patients today will save lives tomorrow.
Better, faster drugs for TB will stop TB in HIV+ individuals before it becomes infectious and lethal.


Experts on the call included:
Dr. Helene Gayle, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Gregg Gonsalves, Gay Men's Health Crisis
Dr. Mario Raviglione, World Health Organization
Joelle Tanguy, Global Alliance for TB Drug Development
Moderated by Dr. Joanne Carter, RESULTS