TB Alliance at the 2023 Union Conference

TB Alliance at the 2023 Union Conference

Join TB Alliance and partners at the 54th Union World Conference on Lung Health, taking place in Paris from 15 – 18 November 2023. Follow our live coverage on Twitter using @TBAlliance and #UnionConf.


New Tools Summit | Toward a TB-Free World: Is ending TB (finally) within sight?
9:00-18:30 CET | Paris Marriott Champs Elysees
Join the Stop TB Partnership New Tools Working Groups and Product Development Partnerships for a day dedicated to TB research ahead of the 2023 Union World Conference on Lung Health. TB Alliance will be presenting updates to its pipeline at the Working Group on New TB Drugs Annual Meeting and will host its Stakeholders Association Annual Meeting at the New Tools Summit. This full-day event is co-hosted by three Product Development Partners (PDPs): FIND, IAVI, and TB Alliance.

For more meeting information and registration, please click here.

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Workshop | Lessons learned from the multi-country BPaL introduction and ways forward to the programmatic scale-up
8:00-11:00 CET | 252AB
This presentation will expound on the experience of introducing BPaL in operational research settings, including the challenges encountered and lessons learned. Moreover, it will present a generic roadmap that countries can utilize in developing country-specific plans, outlining the steps and milestones necessary to achieve the programmatic scale-up of BPaL/M. The roadmap may function as a communication tool and high-level document, articulating the plan’s strategic considerations. In the breakout session, the facilitators will guide the groups to develop country-specific roadmaps for the BPaLM programmatic scale-up in each group for the selected country.

Please see the online program for additional details.

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Workshop | An economic model that shows the saving potential and budget impact for countries when using BPaLM/BPaL instead of standard regimens
14:30-17:30 CET | 253
Usually costing studies such as cost-effectiveness, budget impact, and patient cost analyses are expensive studies that take several months to conduct. Swiss TPH has developed a versatile model that is flexible to incorporate cost data from any country and provide estimates for a variety of health economic parameters. Workshop participants will have the opportunity to apply their own country data to the model and see outputs, including sensitivity of outputs to inputs.

Please see the online program for additional details.

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Joint PDP Exhibit Booth | FIND, IAVI, and TB Alliance, Together to #EndTB
8:00-17:00 CET | Exhibit Hall Booth
FIND, IAVI, and TB Alliance will host a booth space in the exhibit hall where you can join our team members to learn more about innovations in new TB tools to advance diagnostics, vaccines, and treatments for TB. Speakers from the three organizations will be available during the week to answer questions and have discussion with conference attendees. Visit the booth to share your ideas on what is needed to help #endTB.

For more information and materials from the three organizations, please click here.

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Community Connect | Communities’ right to newer, safer, more effective regimens for drug-resistant TB
9:30-10:30 CET | Foyer Bleu Paris
Tuberculosis is an ancient epidemic that has marked the human experience throughout history. Despite affecting more than 10 million people every year and claiming approximately 1.6 million lives in 2021 alone – more than any other infectious disease – the progress in tuberculosis treatment has moved ahead at a glacial pace. This session will focus on the clinical trials and country roll outs of new treatments for drug-resistant TB, the activists pushing for the adoption of this new regimen, and the perspective of people affected by TB on the issue.

Please see the Community Connect online program for additional details.

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Oral Abstract | Advances in drug and vaccine development
8:30-10:00 CET | 243
This Oral Abstract presentation will review results from the Phase 1 research into TBAJ-876, a new anti-TB compound being developed by TB Alliance. Abstract presentations will include “Antimycobacterial activity of a novel diarylquinoline (TBAJ-876) against diverse drug-susceptible and drug-resistant clinical isolates of M. tuberculosis,” “Enhanced sterilising potential of regimens containing a novel diarylquinoline (TBAJ-876) in a preclinical mouse model of TB,” and “Toxicological assessment of TBAJ-876, a second-generation diarylquinoline anti-tubercular drug, in rats and dogs“.

Please see the online program for additional details.

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Oral Abstract | Pharmacokinetics studies for better treatment of TB
8:30-10:00 CET | 242A
This Oral Abstract presentation will review results from the Phase 1 research into TBAJ-876, a new anti-TB compound being developed by TB Alliance. Abstract presentations will include “Antimycobacterial activity of a novel diarylquinoline (TBAJ-876) against diverse drug-susceptible and drug-resistant clinical isolates of M. tuberculosis.”

Please see the online program for additional details.

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Satellite Session | BENEFIT Kids
18:30-20:00 CET | 242A
The Unitaid-funded BENEFIT Kids project addresses critical research gaps to improve care for children affected by multidrug-resistant TB (MDR-TB). The program aims to reduce paediatric morbidity and mortality through better access to improved prevention and treatment strategies. BENEFIT Kids includes clinical trials incorporating efficacy, safety, pharmacokinetics, acceptability, and costing, with community involvement being central. The session aims to highlight key project findings impacting policy and practice. Raj Taneja, Vice President, Pharmaceutical Product Development at TB Alliance will provide an overview of ChilPref, a program about how children’s taste preferences informed the development of moxifloxacin and linezolid pediatric formulations.

Please see the online program for additional details.

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Community Connect | Keeping the promise: fulfilling the commitment to develop new tools to end TB
9:30-10:15 CET | Foyer Bleu Paris
This session is co-hosted by FIND, IAVI, and TB Alliance and aims to foster knowledge exchange and collaboration among key stakeholders, including researchers, policymakers, public health experts, and community and civil society representatives. Panelists will showcase and discuss the latest advancements and challenges in TB R&D, while exploring how our leaders can fulfill commitments made at the UN HLM on TB through enhanced collaboration, innovation, and financing. Further, the session will be framed around the joint role of PDPs and civil society in accelerating TB R&D and facilitating the translation of research into accessible and affordable tools.

Please see the Community Connect online program for additional details.

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LIFT-TB Updates

Workshop | Using BPaL/M, diagnostic and treatment aspect
14:30-17:30 CET | 241
For more meeting information and registration, please click here.

Short Oral Abstract | Treatment and treatment outcomes of DR-TB
10:15-11:45 CET | 242B
For more meeting information and registration, please click here.

Oral Abstract | Safety of regimens for R-R
15:00-16:00 CET | 221M + 223M
For more meeting information and registration, please click here.

Oral Abstract | Treatment outcome of all oral-short course regimens for RR.TB
16:45-18:15 CET | 252AB
For more meeting information and registration, please click here.

E-Poster Presentation | Cutaneous lesions of patients treated with BPaL in the Philippines under Operational research
14:00-15:00 CET | Salle Maillot 3
For more meeting information and registration, please click here.

Oral Abstract | Multidrug-resistant TB management: transmission, contact investigation, programmatic treatment
15:00-16:30 CET | 251
For more meeting information and registration, please click here.