Research Papers

This database includes peer-reviewed publications authored or funded by TB Alliance. Use the tags on the right to filter by subject, or search for a particular author or term using the search bar.

Displaying 188 papers

Lifesaving, cost-saving: Innovative simplified regimens for drug-resistant tuberculosis

11/2022 - PLOS Global Public Health

Author(s): Aastha Gupta, Sandeep Juneja, Suvanand Sahu, Mohammed Yassin, Grania Brigden, Eliud Wandwalo, Saurabh Rane, Fuad Mirzayev, Matteo Zignol

Tags: Bedaquiline (TMC-207), BPaL, Linezolid, Pretomanid/PA-824, TB Burden, TB Drug Market, TB Market

Bedaquiline–Pretomanid–Linezolid Regimens for Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis

9/2022 - New England Journal of Medicine

Author(s): Francesca Conradie, et al., for the ZeNix Trial Team

Tags: Bedaquiline (TMC-207), BPaL, Clinical Trial Results, Linezolid, MDR-TB, Pretomanid/PA-824, XDR-TB

Assessment of the Carcinogenic Potential of Pretomanid in Transgenic Tg.rasH2 Mice

7/2022 - International Journal of Toxicity

Author(s): Jeffrey L Ambroso, John Dillberger, Rebecca Bruning-Barry, Tian Yang

Tags: Pretomanid/PA-824

Male reproductive hormones in patients treated with pretomanid


Author(s): Boekelheide K, Olugbosi M, Nedelman J, Everitt D, Smith E, Betteridge M, Sun E, Spigelman M

Tags: MDR-TB, Pretomanid/PA-824, XDR-TB

Toxicity and toxicokinetic assessment of an anti-tubercular drug pretomanid in cynomolgus monkeys

4/2022 - Toxicology Reports

Author(s): Rebecca Bruning-Barry, Jeffrey L.Ambroso, John Dillberger, Tian J.Yang

Tags: Pretomanid/PA-824

Ancient and recent differences in the intrinsic susceptibility of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex to pretomanid

3/2022 - Antimicrobial Chemotherapy

Author(s): Anna Bateson, Julio Ortiz Canseco, Timothy D McHugh, Adam A Witney, Silke Feuerriegel, Matthias Merker, Thomas A Kohl, Christian Utpatel, Stefan Niemann, Sönke Andres, Katharina Kranzer, Florian P Maurer, et al.

Tags: Drug-Sensitivity Testing, Pretomanid/PA-824

Single Ascending-Dose Study To Evaluate the Safety, Tolerability, and Pharmacokinetics of Sutezolid in Healthy Adult Subjects

3/2022 - Antimicrobial Chemotherapy

Author(s): Paul Bruinenberg, Jerry Nedelman, Tian J. Yang, Fran Pappas, Dan Everitt

Tags: Pharmacokinetics, Sutezolid

Budgetary impact of using BPaL for treating extensively drug resistant tuberculosis

1/2022 - BMJ Global Health

Author(s): Christiaan Mulder, Stephan Rupert, Ery Setiawan, Elmira Mambetova, Patience Edo, Jhon Sugiharto, Sani Useni, Shelly Malhotra, Sarah Cook-Scalise, Imran Pambudi, Abdullaat Kadyrov, Adebola Lawanson, Susan van den Hof, et al

Tags: BPaL, MDR-TB, TB Market, XDR-TB

Comparative Efficacy of the Novel Diarylquinoline TBAJ-876 and Bedaquiline against a Resistant Rv0678 Mutant in a Mouse Model of Tuberculosis

12/2021 - Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy

Author(s): Deepak Almeida, Paul J. Converse, Si-Yang Li, Anna M. Upton, Nader Fotouhi, and Eric L. Nuermberger

Tags: Bedaquiline (TMC-207), Preclinical Data, Preclinical Models

Acceptability, feasibility, and likelihood of stakeholders implementing the novel BPaL regimen to treat extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis patients

7/2021 - BMC Public Health

Author(s): S. E. J. van de Berg, P. T. Pelzer, A. J. van der Land, E. Abdrakhmanova, A. Muhammad Ozi, M. Arias, S. Cook-Scalise, G. Dravniece, A. Gebhard, S. Juneja, R. Handayani, D. Kappel, M. Kimerling, I. Koppelaar, S. Malhotra et al

Tags: BPaL, MDR-TB, Regimen Change, TB Drug Market, TB Market, XDR-TB

Pretomanid with Bedaquiline and Linezolid for Drug Resistant TB: A Comparison of Prospective Cohorts


Author(s): S. Oelofse, A. Esmail, A. H. Diacon F. Conradie, O. Olayanju, N. Ngubane, P. Howell, D. Everitt, A. M. Crook, C. M. Mendel, G. H. Wills, M. Olugbosi, A. del Parigi, E. Sun, A. Calatroni, M. Spigelman, K. Dheda

Tags: Bedaquiline (TMC-207), Linezolid, MDR-TB, Pretomanid/PA-824

A partially randomised trial of pretomanid, moxifloxacin and pyrazinamide for pulmonary TB

3/2021 - International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease

Author(s): C. D. Tweed, G. H. Wills, A. M. Crook

Tags: Clinical Trial Results, Moxifloxacin, Pretomanid/PA-824, Pyrazinamide, STAND/NC-006

Predictive modeling to study the treatment-shortening potential of novel tuberculosis drug regimens, towards bundling of preclinical data


Author(s): Saskia E Mudde, Rami Ayoun Alsoud, Aart van der Meijden, Anna M Upton, Manisha U Lotlikar, Ulrika S H Simonsson, Hannelore I Bax, Jurriaan E M de Steenwinkel

Tags: Preclinical Data, Regimen Change

Phase 1 Study of the Effects of the Investigational Tuberculosis Treatment Pretomanid, Alone and in Combination with Moxifloxacin, on the QTc Interval in Healthy Volunteers


Author(s): Mengchun Li , George A Saviolakis , Wael El-Amin , Mamodikoe K Makhene , Blaire Osborn , Jerry Nedelman , Tian J Yang , Daniel Everitt

Tags: Clinical Trial Results, Moxifloxacin, Pretomanid/PA-824

Mutations in fbiD (Rv2983) as a novel determinant of resistance to pretomanid and delamanid in Mycobacterium tuberculosis


Author(s): Dalin Rifat , Si-Yang Li , Thomas Ioerger , Keshav Shah , Jean-Philippe Lanoix , Jin Lee , Ghader Bashiri , James Sacchettini , Eric Nuermberger

Tags: M.tb. Biology, Pretomanid/PA-824

The Clinical Dose of Pretomanid: An Exposure-Response Perspective


Author(s): Jerry R. Nedelman, David H. Salinger, Vishak Subramoney, Rob Woolson, Karen Wade, Mengchun Li, Daniel Everitt, Carl M. Mendel, Mel Spigelman

Tags: BPaL, Clinical Development, Nix-TB, Pretomanid/PA-824

Clofazimine pharmacokinetics in patients with TB: dosing implications


Author(s): Mahmoud Tareq Abdelwahab, Sean Wasserman, James C M Brust, Neel R Gandhi, Graeme Meintjes, Daniel Everitt, Andreas Diacon, Rodney Dawson, Lubbe Wiesner, Elin M Svensson, Gary Maartens, Paolo Denti

Tags: Clofazamine, Pharmacokinetics

No antimicrobial resistance research agenda without tuberculosis

8/2020 - The Lancet Global Health

Author(s): Gwenan M Knight, Mario C Raviglione, *Richard G White

